For students at Anderson-Livsey Elementary School in Snellville, Georgia, Halloween was full of tricks and treats. The Gwinnett Sigmas got in on the fun on October 30, donating 30 blue pumpkin buckets and candy for the school’s autistic students and participating in the Trunk or Treat event.

Blue pumpkin buckets hold special significance during Halloween, as they communicate that an autistic child may be non-verbal. This allows autistic children and their families to actively participate in trick or treat festivities without fear of criticism or stigma.

Later the same day, the brothers passed out candy to all Anderson-Livsey students during the Trunk or Treat event. Held in the school’s parking lot, the celebration allowed kids to safely enjoy all of the fun Halloween has to offer, including candy, costumes and spooky decorations.

For information on autism awareness, please visit the National Autism Association here.